Thursday, October 23, 2014

The time my cousin fell down the stairs

My family enjoys it alot of the time when our cousins come over so this weekend we were going to Chicago to see them. There house is big but the last two stories are very very very creepy. It was a long five hour drive but when we did get there it felt so good to move our legs around. When we approached there and knocked on the door and our cousin came sprinting down the stairs and tripped over and fell down the stairs as we saw our other cousins we all laughed and went out to dinner to get pizza.

Later when we got back to there house we watched a movie and suddenly my cousins hand slipped off the railing and we fell once agian and we laughed even harder then the first time. By the time we went to bed we were all exhausted and it was a good sleep even the it was kind of scary because the bed room looked like the one you would have in a nightmare i still slept will because there were eight other people surronding me.

The next day we had to leave early and we were very very upset but it still was fun and really if you ask me the only reason we came here is to watch our cousin trip over the stairs.

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