Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Knock Knock

Friday night ment it was time to ding dong ditch as i stude beside my two friends we were prepared for just that so we walked out of my friends house with much excitment and rolled out to the streets. The first house we approached was my friends friend house but i didnt know them so as we rong the door bell we all dashed for the bushes and jumped over and started to creep behind them and spy on the patients reaction. Know this dad was an NFL wide reciever so the whole running method would not work. He came out and saide "hello… Thats when we made some stealth movement and slipped to the sidewalk and crawled to the next save area we could find.

Now we were getting people we all new so it wasnt as scary but they had big long tall branches to hide behind so that was the plan. Knock Knock! the door made that sound and my the kids came out and tried to chase us but they never turned there heads to look at the corner until one of them pointed us out we put on our hoodys and ran.  They found out it was us so we failed so now we were one for two but this last house was the final test to go 2-1.

And the last house was huge and both my friends knew who lived there and I had to stay vigilante more then anyone else. Bam Bam! the door went off and we silently crouched by this long long long long tree and we hoped it was the answer as the person only looked to the left and right but then they closed the door as my heart stopped pressing agianst my chest, we had a completed task as we walked back to my friends house.

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