Thursday, April 14, 2016


My focus was, well my focus was have fun. We laid out some lawn chairs and just kind of relaxed and enjoyed a drink, as it was one of Oregon’s best April day weather wise. A guy named Charlie who was my friend had gone to get another drink and he was a little slow to come back. So everyone else went to go see what took him forever.

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Our instincts told us to go back but we actually thought we would take to big of a risk. “I’d say the temperatures around 107 or maybe even 110”. I responded with. “Yeah, well if we find food and water maybe all the talk wouldn’t enable as much.” Because of that man on the plane yelling we are now where we are now”, Said the pilot. In my backpack I had a pocket knife so I could make sharp weapons from sticks. As we walked a tree came up with many holes into; the bushes shacked and a man tackled me and kicked the pilot in the leg which caused to fall down leaving him to take me into his truck and drive me out to a river where I was hanging over a treeing looking down at seven hungry crocodiles that looked like they were pretty hungry.