Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Small moment from swim finals

I was at the 2014 swim finals for the swim team league Sisca and I had been on the team Pine Lake. When I arrived to the scene I looked at my team’s tent. We stayed under the tent while waiting to swim. The sun was scorching and the hotness was brutal. I saw the blue and white flags that hung above the pool. I passed by the bathroom and crossed the pool. I stepped on the boiling hot marble floor.

Later on in the day I put on my swim cap and held my goggles in my hand as I walked over to the swim deck. One thing that I noticed is there were chairs and more tents. Someone told me to sit down and I sat under the tent and waited for everyone to finish swimming.

 I felt like a heart attack was coming on as I waited for my turn to get up on the block and dive into the water. SPLASH! The person that was way in front of me flew off to swim as I moved up a chair. The crowd was watching while I was still sitting under a tent in the shade as coaches were getting there swimmers ready and pumped.

 Second by second I got more nervous as once again the starter sent another person up to the block; he dove off of it. Now only one more swimmer had to go until it was my time to swim and a bundle of fear awaited me from the left and right as I was going against the top six of my age group. This was the biggest race of the year no doubt about it, that's why I was most frightened. 

 Then the starter said his intentional line as if he was a actor in a movie. I walked up to the block as the last race ended and it was my turn as I slowly got on the block the starter said,’ step up, take your marks, Beep".

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