Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wonder Literary Essay

A literary Essay
Based on the book
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
The book Wonder teaches you many things and it shows you how you should be nice to people who aren’t as fortunate as you and other stuff like that but in my opinion this book is all about persevering(A person trying to do something over and over again) because in the end you must always persevere. Auggie lives with his mom, dad, dog daisy, and his sister Via.(A family) Wonder is about a boy who struggles through multiple challenges but at the same time he has a facial difference(A boy with a facial difference) so it’s really hard for him to tackle these challenges. This book doesn’t just tell me about how a boy named Auggie who has to deal with many challenges, it tells me to work hard, respect others, and of course never give up(A motivational speaker telling people how to live life).

At one part in the story Auggie has a dog that he likes a lot and her name is Daisy. Every night he plays with her and the dog doesn’t judge Auggie by his face just like how everyone else does which is the reason why Auggie likes his dog so much. One day Auggie is at home (A dog) and he finds out something about his dog Daisy. Via and his mom tell him that Daisy had been on the floor just laying there for a long time. And then all of the sudden Auggie saw Daisy lying down as if she were sick (a sick person holding a thermometer). Auggie’s mom says she was bit in the thumb by Daisy so then Auggie’s mom and dad took her to the vet as if she were dead (A grave) and Auggie and Via both looked through the window while crying because they were afraid that Daisy would be gone. Later when Auggie comes back from camp (a tent and flashlight) he sees via and his dad come home with a box/cage and they opened it up and there was a cute dog that Auggie loved whose name was Bear. Once again Auggie has a bad day but the next day was so much better and finally (Finland) another good thing happened to him to gain more determination to want to keep going on with school.

Another challenge Auggie faces is friends like Jack Will and Summer 
but some problems do occur with his friends that are loyal (a tigger) to him but over time Auggie starts to wonder if they really are loyal, friendly, and kind to him even when he's not around them. Over the story he had trouble with friends. During Halloween (his favorite holiday) one of his friends named Jack Will was talking to someone behind his back. But what he said offended Auggie although later on in the story Jack wants to be friends with Auggie and he regrets (a coffee mug) what he said. Another thing about this is that a enemy (a mosquito) that he faced named Julian always bullied  him and a group of people also did as well but then Julian left the school, and he made friends with all the people who used to hate him so he was the one who beat Julian and ended the school year on a happy note. To me I think that in the story this is indeed one of the hardest challenges he faces and for Jack he definitely redeemed himself because he hurt Auggie's feelings but still apologized. “Julian’s a jerk okay but I was a jerk (Beef Jerky) too. Really sorry for what I said okay? Can we be friends again", then Auggie responded with, "okay".

There is a part in the story where Auggie goes to a school camp (A bus driving away with people looking out the window) and there everything is well and he is having fun with his friends. One night they all went to the fairgrounds (A golf course with people laying down on it in sleeping bags) as a school. But not only was it just their school. There were other schools there so they stumbled upon mean 7th graders from a different school that they didn't really know even at all. Auggie and Jack Will had to go to the bathroom (A sick)  but the line was to long so they went kind of far into the woods to go to the bathroom but there they met the vicious 7th graders. “What is that", said a kid (talking to Auggie)
"Wait, wait, wait”, said the guy holding the flashlight (A strong yellow light) while cutting us off (A cutting board). He pointed the flashlight right at my face and now he was only about five feet away"
They all make fun of him and call him mean names but then later a kid in Auggie's grade that is considered a jock tackles (A football player) the guy (Eddie) who was being mean to Auggie. Later on Auggie runs away from the 7th graders because they were chasing them. Miles and Henry (A Lambo) who are two boys who have never liked Auggie both help him because they are in the woods during the night and it's dark so they can't see. Auggie says that he can't here very well and everything felt like he was underwater (A person scuba diving). After that Amos who is the jock, Miles, Henry, and Jack Will all find an area that's open and more like a field (Tons of Corn). When Auggie notices that his hearing aid is missing and he gets really bummed out about that but later when he gets back from camp he doesn’t just sit in his bed (Bunk beds) like must kids would when they have a difference and something like a hearing (Ears) aid has just been broke or lost (A broken vase), he keeps going.

At one part in the story (A little room with a lamp and bed that you’re looking at from the ground) Auggie has a dog that he loves very much (Big hearts) and her name is Daisy. Every night he plays with her and the dog doesn’t judge Auggie by his face just like how everyone else does which is the reason (Steve Jobs) why Auggie likes his dog so much (Thanksgiving food on a little table). One day (Farms) Auggie is at home (A barn) and he finds out something about his dog Daisy. Via (A Violin) and his mom tell him that Daisy had been on the floor (A dog rolling on the floor) just there for a long time. And then all of the sudden Auggie saw Daisy lying (was bit in the thumb (A thumb) (A lazy person laying down on a couch) down as if she were sick. Auggie’s mom says she) by Daisy so then Auggie’s mom and dad took her to the vet as if she were dead and Auggie and Via both looked through the window while crying because they were afraid that Daisy would be gone. Later when Auggie comes back from camp he sees Via and his dad come home with a box/cage and they opened it up and there was a cute dog that Auggie loved whose name was Bear (A really cute dog). Once again Auggie has a bad day (Storm clouds) but the next day was so much better and finally (A finish line) another good thing happened to him to gain more determination (A power bar) to want to keep going on with school and not turn into a bum who hides in his room all his life.


By the end of the ended. He had friends and they all loved him.. "No one seemed to care if it was my face next to theirs". I think that shows Auggie's wonderful (Cupcake Batter) perseverance. This also shows that Auggie is a person who is nice and won’t be mean but everyone is mean to him because of what he looks like even though if Auggie had a normal face then he would not struggle with anything in his entire life that is linked with school, friends, and being nice. This book shows lots of things that are good for a human (Alien) mind to digestbut I think one of the greatest is that this book is inspiring for anyone that is a underdog (A hot dog stand) or different so it shows that literally anyone can be the change in this world or anyone can succeed in certain challenges and I think that's exactly what you would say to describe Auggie. At the end of the book Auggie finishes the school year on the honor role (A scroll) but even bigger than that, Auggie wins the biggestaward of all which is the Henry Ward Beecher Medal. I think this award means something: it means that Auggie is special (A rice Crispy Treat) and he has been born to do great things, which is what all of us should keep in mind.

Auggie gets judged by his facial (A dentist) difference every single day of his life, and his dog that he loves so much “Daisy” dies but in the end everything ends up okay so that teaches you there’s always a solution to every problem in the world. Always persevere because it will make a difference in your life. You will be shocked when you find out the things you are capable (People with Cable and wires) of if you choose to persevere.

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