Wednesday, November 5, 2014


On a average every day night I went down to stairs to watch TV and relax and my big nice couch. While doing that I kind of scavenged around the room/area. I looked at my orange pink wall with a statue of a green fish. Then I turned my head around to stare at the TV and just enjoy it. I got up to go to the bathroom and while doing that I looked threw the mirror and watched my TV.

Once I got back I looked back at the fish drawing and the orange wall and I thought I saw something that was a bit black and yellow. I turned back to the TV and by that moment my brother came down stairs and disrupted peace as he is definetly hyper all of the time which is sometimes too much to handle for me.

He kept falling and wrestling me but then after another like 15 minutes he had to do homework so he moved out of the basement of TV and he went upstairs to do what we all hate. By this time I looked back at the orange all with the blue and green fish and I saw it's eye and moved my head down and I saw something terrifying that I never ever ever ever ever wanted to see before.

I freaked out, paniced got up real quick, and yelled MOM!, it was the biggest,longest hardiest, most horrifying CENTIPEDE I had ever seen in my entire life I kept yelling for my mom as then I had to act so I quickly rolled into the bathroom got a knap kin and smushed it but I only got some of it and now it was crawling on the floor so then I reached as far as I could and my arm went up and down like a pendulum and down went goliath as I threw it in the trash and washed my hands I will never feel the same about my basement ):.

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