Thursday, October 30, 2014

Long day of fishing

It was a windy summer Sunday and my grandpa insisting on us going muskie fishing but I really didn't want to go although I wanted to be nice to me grandpa so instead of taking the easy road I said yes and took a more difficult challenge. The drive had been a long painful wait because we had to bait from a store far out and then we had to drive from there to clear which was also down the road and along way from home.

We got over to the docks and my grandpa found our boat as we made a superb effort to job alot of ground to get into the boat. Around 20 minutes later we both took off and it felt like I was on a tube as it was a very intense ride because of all the bumps. At last my grandpa and I found our spot in the lake and it was very designated with not a lot of boats around.

He said,"okay were where we want to be", so we both plopped out our finishing rods. He placed them gently in these two holes in the boat and the rope or wire stuck out as he did not move the boat for another  eleven minutes it was that moment that he decided to move the boat.

Two hours passed and in 15 minutes we had to go in and guess what we did not catch one fish. Time passed by and we now both wanted to go in so as well as that idea we though it would be the right choice so we did just that. We were both the kind of people who didn't really care so really neither of us had disappointment in us although it was a fun and interesting experience and adventure/journey as we pulled in our fishing boat to the right spot in the dock and took off in his car to take me back home so I could relax the rest of the night and enjoy myself with some alone team.

Mesopatamia notes all about them

Mesopotamia they used to find their food to eat and share by following animals around and gathering wild berries and grains they found in the wild. Three months and calendars are almost the exact same thing as ours and they were part of the reason why writing was invented they would press paint into wet clay and then they started to be able to write as a benefit of inventing this subject. Another thing was the wheel and they invented that before wheels they would just drag things around and in the old days a lot of people would just farm but now they improved that and other people can have other jobs.  A talent they develop is making bricks out of mud and dirt that is wet and mushy. Part of clothing was wool from sheep and leather from cows. There is a god for wind, water, land, sky, and sea. Some priests just work for the gods that they believe in and they will feed them food and have e ceremonies every night and day. Some men have to clean out ditches in order to make them clear, all taxes are sent to the king. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

World series all or nothing

The world series for baseball was occuring this night as I cheered on the royals for the 14-15 world series. I was in my basement alone as my entire family was either doing homework or sitting on the coach relaxing after a hard days work upstairs but I was all pep this night as I cried for a rolays win tonight. The game was game six and the giants had the edge on the series 3-2 and no if they won this game the series would be over and for the people in San fransisco im sorry about saying this, you will lose tonight.

The game started and the royals were off to a big margin as they were leading 3-0 I got really pumped but then more events happened and the took a bigger lead and all things that were happening made me so happy I could cry. The game started to be trimmed with time but the royals lead wasn't they were still winning big and that means that me myself was very enthausiastic.

The game continued as soon it came to a conclussion and guess what the time you wanted to win unless you live in San fransisco won 10-0 and everything was hapily ever after for me and Kansas well for the San fransisco people that's a different story but oh well for the people living there.

Intense soccer

In my basement There is a area with a green mat and two soccer goals on each end of the mat so like you would expect I played soccer with my brothers and my friends. I had a gift when I was born and that was being a goalie in soccer even though there were no blood sweat and tears put into it I still had that skill but only in mini soccer other wise that's not exactly true.

I prepared with warmups at the beginning of the game as we played rock,paper, scissors for the ball my team lost as I got on two knees and defended my goal. The first person to shoot hit a rocket but I barely tipped it as my teammate took it down the field. A big mop of people kicking the ball in one place started to rise but someone on the other team took it out and zipped the ball across the middle aiming for a over the top goal I dove and missed the shot but my body saved the ball from it sneaking into the goal in a tight shot.

My team was tied 2-2 but my team had no defense so I had to try so many attempts at blocking shots that I got drilled by fast balls almost every play. At last I goal was scored on me as I took the ball down myself  it was brother who got the pass and whacked the night as we tied it again five minutes later the game ended and we never scored once until the game ended and we lost a tight to not so tight game. I had a lot of saves though because my brother and my teammates couldn't keep the ball for even a second while going down field so that would cause a open field goal nearly every time.

Small moment from swim finals

I was at the 2014 swim finals for the swim team league Sisca and I had been on the team Pine Lake. When I arrived to the scene I looked at my team’s tent. We stayed under the tent while waiting to swim. The sun was scorching and the hotness was brutal. I saw the blue and white flags that hung above the pool. I passed by the bathroom and crossed the pool. I stepped on the boiling hot marble floor.

Later on in the day I put on my swim cap and held my goggles in my hand as I walked over to the swim deck. One thing that I noticed is there were chairs and more tents. Someone told me to sit down and I sat under the tent and waited for everyone to finish swimming.

 I felt like a heart attack was coming on as I waited for my turn to get up on the block and dive into the water. SPLASH! The person that was way in front of me flew off to swim as I moved up a chair. The crowd was watching while I was still sitting under a tent in the shade as coaches were getting there swimmers ready and pumped.

 Second by second I got more nervous as once again the starter sent another person up to the block; he dove off of it. Now only one more swimmer had to go until it was my time to swim and a bundle of fear awaited me from the left and right as I was going against the top six of my age group. This was the biggest race of the year no doubt about it, that's why I was most frightened. 

 Then the starter said his intentional line as if he was a actor in a movie. I walked up to the block as the last race ended and it was my turn as I slowly got on the block the starter said,’ step up, take your marks, Beep".

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


For the sake of Halloween my mom got my costume on hold while we were at the Michigan State game but when we got home I was just a sleep away from getting a big hidden wilderness realated ghuile suit. My friend and I wanted these so we could play I difficult joyful game of the life favored classical game hide and seek.

After my beauty sleep I got up and ate a breakfast then put my sweatshirt on as my mom took her own sweet little time to walk the dog I waited inpatiently for her to arrive. Another five minutes later she came to the house after a long 20 minute walk and she did not seem like she was in a rush at all but I was as we got in the car I was very pumped to see.

When we parked our car I walked in the store and it was extremely cool with tactical army knives and gun designs for camouflage. Once we confronted the men at the desk he told us my ghuile suit was under the desk on hold and I tried it on to see if would fit me and hapily it did so I took off with a sweet ghuile suit to where for Friday.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Walk the walk

I was up north with my mom and we were going on a dreadful eight mile walk along lake Superior. When we started to go the lake looked beatiful as it was a mixed color of turquese, green and, blue all coliding to make a pleasent astonishing view. The mountain and path got flatter as we walked on this trailed surronded by flowers and wild growing blueberries that looked very pretty and nice. A very steep hill was gazed at and feared but when I walked down I rose to the challenge and overcame it.

Near the end it started to just become a nightmare although we finished in the next ten minutes. Once we reached the car my brother got in as quickly as possible and begged my mother to start the car so he could open the windows as we drove to the nearest market and enjoyed a nice cold refreshing class of the wonderful coke.

The hike sounded like it was nearly impossible but I didnt know it but I was actaully campable of walking a long distance hardcore eight challening miles across all the pretty trees and plants and famous sites and landmarks that we crossed although we hiked along everyones favorite lake in the entire state of michigan and that is arguabaly the biggest lake in all of the big wide world.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

New dog

Today day was the day of all days where my family was getting my new dog after a said lose of our old dog Chelsea. We drove to the dog area where there were a bunch of dogs and one dogsitter as we pulled up the house was in the middle of nowhere but all the dogs looked great but we took this one bage dog and we named here daisy. As I looked around the house and saw all the dogs we wanted but this one dog that we named Daisy as we took here home for an hour drive but the drive home was fun as we played with our dog and got used to her.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Relay for the win

On the day of my swimming finals i had to swim three events and they were the 50 free, 50 back, and the all free relay. In my swim finals six swimmers out of 12 for each age group make it in their event and there was never a year that I made it in my last three years on my swim team but this year was my time. Last year I didn't even make it i the top 12 i came in 13 so I needed to get top six. My team continued their pre-game warm ups and got ready for their events. I was waiting in line to swim my backstroke and I was horrified.

I reached the block and the starter said,'swimmers step in the water, take your mark,BEEP!", the button went off as I got a good push off the wall I hit my turn but my feet weren't planted well enough so I slipped off the block and got a bad start but I had a okay second lap but I finished with the time of 45 seconds. It was a good time as I checked meet mobile and I finished in top six and I was cheering as I did still have to make it in the free.

I was ready to swim the free as I looked around and saw my opponents the announcer said once again,'swimmers step up,take your mark,BEEP!, I took off and felt like I was having a incredible race as I hit my turn I kept swimming and finished and I was seeded to get eight in this but I made it and I got the time of 35 seconds as I happily made it and cheered for my self as I finished six in each event.

The next day erose and today was less important but I still had to swim great. Quickly before I knew it I hopped in the water and once more the starter said GOOOO! and I dropped another second in the back and I had an even better swim then yesterday as I stood on top of the 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th. And I did the same with the free and now was my time to swim the free and I was very nervous but when the announcer go the people in my relay went and it was my turn to go as I was very nervous I got a 36 and gained a second but my team in finals came in second overall but I was happy with my performance and I swam great.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The time my cousin fell down the stairs

My family enjoys it alot of the time when our cousins come over so this weekend we were going to Chicago to see them. There house is big but the last two stories are very very very creepy. It was a long five hour drive but when we did get there it felt so good to move our legs around. When we approached there and knocked on the door and our cousin came sprinting down the stairs and tripped over and fell down the stairs as we saw our other cousins we all laughed and went out to dinner to get pizza.

Later when we got back to there house we watched a movie and suddenly my cousins hand slipped off the railing and we fell once agian and we laughed even harder then the first time. By the time we went to bed we were all exhausted and it was a good sleep even the it was kind of scary because the bed room looked like the one you would have in a nightmare i still slept will because there were eight other people surronding me.

The next day we had to leave early and we were very very upset but it still was fun and really if you ask me the only reason we came here is to watch our cousin trip over the stairs.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Michigan State football season opener

A warm Friday night arose and it was the last weekend of summer sadly but that also ment it was the best weekend so to add to the best weekend we went to thee Michigan state football season opener with warm regards to our dad for getting us tickets. It was a long drive to East Lansing but when we got there we rode the bus to the stadium and a big picture showed up of a player named Tony Libbett reaching for the enzone. Finding our seats was a challenge but once we spotted them and sat then it was all just smooth sailing.

We had the lead going into the first quarter about 21-0  and the team name was Jacksonville State as it would most likely be a win. My older brother was too cool for us so he made plans to go sit with his girlfriend as he abbandond us. "Connor cook throws deep to Lippett…and hessss got it! for the touchdown",the announcer said as the croud started cheering in joy.

At halftime we had the lead 35-0 and we did look pretty sharp for our first game. My brother and dad and I walked down to get some Pepesi and popcorn well my brother and I did my dad was a total health freak. We came back up with the second half started as we did put in our second string players  and everything fell apart as Jacksonville scored but later into the game we scored once more and from there on we held them to no more points as the game ended in a result of 52-7

The game was lots and lots of fun as we went on to have a great season but still we did lose to Oregon. Getting home was simple as we talked all about what we thought our season would be like as we all went to bed happy with the much needed and expected win.

Spring break,spring break

Spring break had approached my school year so that means it's spring and theirs a break and that were going to Florida and school is almost over. It was evening on Friday night so we took off to the airport and waited patiently forever for our plane to arrive and when it did we got on the tunnel that walked us to the plane and we took our seats as the plane took off I just listen to music and we eventually arrived at 1:00 and rented a car from Enterprise.

Once we got to our grandparents room it was 2:00 AM and my grandma had stayed up and waited for us for some odd reason. I slept great and woke up the next morning and I saw my grandpa. My brother and I ate breakfast and then decided to go down to the beach. The warm heated sun shined down on us as and made us burn like a hamburger in the grill until we smashed our boogie boards against the enormous waves and slipped threw the waves. I went a little deeper but the waves were totally killing me so i went back to shore and decided to get some sandwiches with my brother back at the room.

Later into the trip my brother and I went to dig a whole in the sand. The goal here was to put me in the whole and put a towel over the whole then when my mom came i would pop out and scare her. It worked amazingly.

It was one of the best parts of the trip and I had to wait til next year to come back but all in all it was a great trip

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Knock Knock

Friday night ment it was time to ding dong ditch as i stude beside my two friends we were prepared for just that so we walked out of my friends house with much excitment and rolled out to the streets. The first house we approached was my friends friend house but i didnt know them so as we rong the door bell we all dashed for the bushes and jumped over and started to creep behind them and spy on the patients reaction. Know this dad was an NFL wide reciever so the whole running method would not work. He came out and saide "hello… Thats when we made some stealth movement and slipped to the sidewalk and crawled to the next save area we could find.

Now we were getting people we all new so it wasnt as scary but they had big long tall branches to hide behind so that was the plan. Knock Knock! the door made that sound and my the kids came out and tried to chase us but they never turned there heads to look at the corner until one of them pointed us out we put on our hoodys and ran.  They found out it was us so we failed so now we were one for two but this last house was the final test to go 2-1.

And the last house was huge and both my friends knew who lived there and I had to stay vigilante more then anyone else. Bam Bam! the door went off and we silently crouched by this long long long long tree and we hoped it was the answer as the person only looked to the left and right but then they closed the door as my heart stopped pressing agianst my chest, we had a completed task as we walked back to my friends house.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Saturday's dont feel like saturdays in the summer, in the summer every day is a saturday espically if you go to my country club pine like in witch tubing is the only thing that makes weekends weekends in the summer so that was what was happening today a weekend in summer. We set our boat up on the dock and got pumped for a hardcore evening of tubing. The waves were at a fever pitch this beatiful day witch was a little strange considering it was nice but apparently i didnt effect the roaring of the water that occured tonight. We set sail as my friends dad took off the dock and immediality put out the tube when we got to the middle of the lake. My friend and I quickly jumped on with his friends and as we got ready the rope holding the tube tugged and pulled and we were off as going 34 MPH and donuts were the killer of tubing in wich i would fall off 65% of the time.

We got four feet of air as we hopped a wave but before talking about it we hit a large large bump and smack! the tube flipped and we all fell off. Unfortaunetley the tube was hard to flip over but we managed that and climbed back on. Another  donut erose and this one was going to my side as i held on for dear life i survived with a chip on my shoulder after flipping on the last donut. Now the end came and my friends dad was clutch when driving boats with tubers so he stepped on the pedal and did zig zag after zig zag as waves came by like six clains were attacking agianst us and they definetly clashed and we flipped once agian which was alot of tips in one tubing ride.

As the night ended we were said but Sundays were saturdays unless you go tubing on a saturday because that is what makes weekends in summer special.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


On a sunday morning 10:30 my football team had a game well at least my x-football team. My team was the Birmingham Patroits and the other team had been the Pontiac Panthers. To start off the game we got the ball first and had field position at the our own 30. Nine minutes into the game one of our running backs got a hand off at our 20 yard line and our lineman made good blocks and took it down the sidelines and had speed while streaking. With the team cheering and running with him along the sidelines he found patter and scored as we took the lead 6-0. On the kickoff Pontiac had the ball and we stooped themshort on fourth down and it was going our way as the half ended and we were going into the second quarter.

As our quarterback took the snaps and quickly handed it off but our running back couldn't get the first so it was going the other way. They failed to score once agian so with 21 seconds left before half time we ran our last plays until the half ended we scored our running back found a gap up the middle and zipped through it and put up 12 points but we got the extra point to make it a 13 point game. We had a coach pep rally and we got fired up to go into the second half.

In the third quarter Pontiac scored as there running back took it along the sideline and got in barely so our scored was trimed by seven points. After another possetion that we got we failed to score and so did pontiac so the third quarter ended empty handed as a defensive battle. My team lost confidence even though we still had the Pontiac had more confidence then us.

The final battle came down to this quarter with the score 13-6 Patroits. Pontiac had the ball as we forced turnover and had the ball and momentem. But a fumble occured and they had five minutes to score and they did but worst of all they got the conversion and with ten seconds we passed to our tight end but wasnt enought yards to take the lead so this ment overtime and the rules were each team starts on your oppenets enzone and if you score and the other team dosent the team that scored wins.

Pontiac got the ball and they got shut down as a attempt of a inside handoff. The next play they had a little dump off pass and were now on the three yard line but our goaline D couldnt stop them and they also got the extra point with another short pass.

Know my team got a stuffed run on attempt for a outside handoff although we came back with a slant pass and got five yards as it was now third and five we gave it agian to our fullback and he had a wide wide wide open lane but he tripped and we lost two yards but the next play we did the same playcall and he scored for six and made it 20-21 and now it was all or nothing and our halfback got the ball agian and two guys got in the back field quick and he was stopped for the conversion as our team fell 21-20 Pontiac and our season had ended.  

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lax bash

Sometimes rest is important but tonight i slept forever and I had to because in the morning I had my lax bash with my team the Birmingham Bulldogs. Luckily the weather was nice and it wasn't too early but the drive to Oxford, Michigan was ways ahead. My coaches gather us up and got us pumped and ready for the four games that we would play today. The first game was close but we sneaked a win and our team was of to a happy 1-0 start. After the win we went back to our tent to get some food and Gatorade/water, before our next game. Our team then walked down to the big shady tree and waited for the team and refs to be ready. After four minutes my team walked down to the field to gaze at the other team and do warmups.

At last everyone was ready to start the game. At the faceoff our team one and it gave me a break because i played defense.  Our best player Logan took the ball down and deeked the goaly and then scored threw the slide and we took the lead 1-0. Later we had the upper hand 9-7 but then the other team scored again and it was 9-8 but we won the faceoff and time ran out as we won 9-8. So my team got off to a 2-0 record.
After that our team went back to the tent again and my friend helped me edit my stick and i got it tapped and got a yellow and maroon pocket to my stick because those were our team colors. The next game I forced 5 turnovers and our goalie had an impressive game as he lead us to our 3rd strait victory and there was just one more game we had to seize.

 45 minutes after the break another game was put in front of us and we had the 5-0 lead at halftime. Later they scored three consistent goals and we responded with five more but it wasn't enough to trim our final score 10-3 as we took a big lead and won the tournamet with a happy ending.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Oregon vs Michigan State

It was 6 'o clock on a Saturday night which meant my family and I were watching Saturday night football for the game Michigan state vs Oregon. Michigan state was the team we hoped to win and they were ranked seven in the top 25 polls and Oregon was ranked three in the top 25 polls. Now my family thought Oregon would win but still we wanted Michigan state to win. 6'o clock the opening kick went off and it was MSU kicking off and Oregon returned the kick. With two minutes in the second quarter our team was leading 28-21. After halftime we came out ready to play with MSU getting the ball."Were still gonna lose", my dad said but he was right going in to the 3rd quarter they took the lead and then the fourth quarter Oregon got another two touchdowns and a field goal. All we got was a field goal before the clock hit 0:00, we lost 31-45. All though Michigan lost there still was something happy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


In the year 2013 in the state of Michigan weather was brutal but sometimes my family enjoyed the weather being that way so we all decided  to take a trip to Colorado This year instead of Florida. It was a long long lane ride to Colorado but it was worth it.  In Colorado weather was high and low 50s so it was pretty warm despite nights when it snowed heavily and was so old and windy that you would feel a right hot burn from the snow and wind. Many things were enjoyable like going out to dinner and having snow ball fights but the thing we did most was ski, which is the best part about Colorado. On our last day we skied all day  and every hill was a challenge but still everything i could do because  I was a good skier. It was a trip i will never forget.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Person Place and Thing

1. When I went to Cedar point
2. The time I went to Colorado
3. The time I tipped a raft
4. The time I got a cat
5. When my dad got pulled over and we waited for 1 hour
1. The time my grandma and grandpa watched me.
2. When my friend and I went tubing
3. The day my family went swimming
 4. My family and I went to the MSU season opener
 5. My friends and I played basketball
1. I played football with my friend and brothers
2. My family and I watched the Oregon, Michigan State game
3. When my mom bought a new dog
4. I played soccer with my brothers and there friends
5.  The time i shut targets with my air soft gun

Thursday, October 2, 2014


It was a cold and rainy Saturday night and i was with my friend and tonight for the first time him and I had plans to go to E.R.I.B.U.S the scariest haunted house in Michigan and top 10 scariest in the united states. It was in Pontiac which was away from where i live but i was busy in the car worrying. Once we arrived there was a big big line so we waited for like an hour. The top of the building there were gargoyles and statues of evil things then we entered the horrifying, intimating E.R.I.B.U.S. It was all gray and red mist with this big board saying how many people fainted, wet there pants or threw up which was a big fear factor. Suddenly we entered and there were crooked stairs and we went up them and opened the door at the top and we saw ANOTHER line to wait in but there were TV's with news on and all the news was about the stuff that happens at Erebus as pretending Erebus is real life. A man with a hood and black suit showed up and took out a knife in front of all the people and slid it down the railing and the man chased a girl down the hallway but she came back in five minutes (they use fake knifes). At last we entered and we were in a elevator with a voice that sounded like a little girl saying you are now entering a decontamination room prepare for science lab. Their there were men with lab coats on saying go this way and when we did i green painted face guy with a lab coat said to at least 25 people watch this video and on the video was a sketchy mad scientist saying i will plain a bomb to end the world and suddenly the screen said 3…2…1 BAA AM! the movie went off and the plastic screen popped open making a big POP! noise. and we went threw the screen as everybody else.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


One day when i was in my family's condo up north we went down to the lake with my cousins. We went on top of the raft in the lake and all stood on one corner as a attempt to tip it. Every time it would fail until we jumped on the corner. The raft rose as if it had a mouth, everybody was pushing me as the raft finally tipped over we smacked the water hard and when we turned around it was tipped over and our mission had been a struggle but it was completed. Four hours later my family and I drove home and i tried to convince my mom to let me stay with my cousins but she said no. After all we still tipped the raft